Can I have my malts bagged separately?
If you are buying individual malts, then these will always be bagged separately. Recipe kits are handled differently – if the recipe kit is requested ‘uncrushed’, then each malt in the recipe will come in its own individual bag. If you are purchasing a pre-crushed recipe kit, then the malts will be combined. As the malts are already crushed, you can simply add everything to the mash at once, from the same bag.
Customer orders which come via our Recipe Generator are handled in the same way as the main recipe kits. The malts for ‘uncrushed’ recipes will be bagged separately, while malts for ‘crushed’ recipes will be combined. If you’re creating a ‘crushed’ recipe via our Recipe Generator and require some specific malts not to be crushed, please exclude these from your recipe kit and purchase these malts separately via the main site by selecting the quantity as ‘uncrushed’.