Crisp Low Colour Chocolate Malt 25kg Sack

Crisp Low Colour Chocolate Malt 25kg Sack


EBC: 550

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Cold brewed coffee flavour and chocolate aroma without astringency, imparts a delicate chocolate aroma and taste much like a mellow cold brew coffee.

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Our 25kg sacks can be bought whole or split into five smaller 5kg bags. A bagging charge of £3.00 applies to this service. Sacks (and split bags) can be ordered crushed, uncrushed or finely crushed at no additional charge.

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Top quality malt for home brewing from The Malt Miller

Great home brew begins with great quality ingredients, prepared with care. We’re proud to offer a full range of malts prepared to meet all your needs. All our malt is milled in house for maximum freshness, and crushed directly into our bags so you get one hundred percent of the grain.

  • Order from our full range of malts with your choice of maltster and crush size (including uncrushed) from as little as 50g and in 50g increments. We mill and package your malts individually so you can be sure of ultimate freshness and quality.
  • You can also order malt through our Recipe Generator to get exact weights crushed to order, combined into single bags for extra convenience (uncrushed malts are bagged individually to help you mill at home).
  • Our pre-weighed malts are a great value option for the malts you use every time. Covering a core range of malts that every home brewer needs, we mill batches of each malt in the range ahead of time and pass the saving on to you. We produce small quantities at regular intervals to keep our stock fresh and ready for you to use!

We’re obsessed with milling malt! The sweet spot of milling is different for each individual type of malt and even different harvests. We continuously calibrate and adjust our mills to dial in the perfect proportion of kernel, flour, and husk for every malt in every bag we prepare.

Visit The Malt Miller YouTube channel to learn more about milling as well as loads of other great guides, tips, reviews, and general home brew awesomeness!

Which crush size should I choose?

Our standard crush level delivers best results in all brewing situations. Our fine crush gives increased efficiency at higher liquor to grain ratios such as in Brew In A Bag (BIAB) and no-sparge brewing.

EBC 550

Application:- Low Colour Chocolate Malt has a subtle chocolate and coffee aroma and is used in stouts, porters and strong milds. Can be used upto 5% of the Grist.

Another step up in colour into the chocolate range, so called because of the flavour it produces in the final beer, not due to the presence of actual chocolate.

Low Colour Chocolate Malt imparts a delicate chocolate aroma and taste much like a mellow cold brew coffee. This malt type lacks the astringency of the more darkly roasted malts.



Since 1870 we’ve lived and breathed malting. With this passion and expertise, and by combining traditional and modern techniques, we create an impressive range of malted and non-malted products, including several unique and exclusive barley malts.

We are unique amongst UK maltsters in that the majority of our technical sales team consists of brewing industry professionals. In our past lives we’ve built and run breweries, managed large and craft sites and developed new products. On our production side we have no less than six master maltsters. Backed up by a central lab team and 150 years of malting know-how we have a deep passion for the flavour and science of brewing, distilling and malting. One day you might find our technical team analysing spent draff from a distilling customer so that we can help optimise spirit yield, the next our sales team could be working on a collaboration recipe with our distributors and craft brewing customers around the world.

Home brewing is a fantastic way to produce high-quality beer of all different styles, and at Crisp Malt, we have you covered. If you’d like to try out brewing malts at home, then you’re in the right place!

We’ve partnered with our knowledgeable, approachable and trusted supplier The Malt Miller who provide homebrewers quantities of our malted barley, heritage and speciality malts. They also offer fantastic customer service and will give you all the necessary technical brewing knowledge to get the best from our malted grains.

Malt is the backbone to any great beer recipe, ensuring you have the best quality freshest malt can really improve your brews.

Our malt comes from the same maltsers that professional breweries use. All of our malt is purchased whole/uncrushed, which ensures that it retains the correct moisture levels as the maltster intended.

When you order malt from The Malt Miller we offer it crush fresh, or whole so you can crush it fresh at home using your own mill, or fine crushed for Brew In A Bag brewing. When we crush it for you it is done only when ordered, this ensures you can be sure of freshness and also receive the correct mix of big and small particles.

Your can order malt in 25kg sacks where we also offer the option to have it bagged in 5x5kg, by weight starting at 50g, or by building your own recipe on our Recipe Generator by the exact gram.

If you wish to learn more about malt be sure to visit our Brew With Us online resource and our YouTube Channel for lots of brewing content.

Additional information

Weight 27 kg


By the gram

By the gram

25Kg Sack

25Kg Sack

Country of Origin GB
HS Code 1107200000