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Verdant IPA Yeast – Home Brewing Competition

Posted on 14th July 2020

Do you think you can brew an IPA like Verdant?

Well lets see if you can using the new Lallemand Verdant IPA dried yeast.

To celebrate the launch of the new Verdant IPA Yeast on the 28th of July, the guys at Lallemand and Verdant Brewing Co got together, with the team at The Malt Miller and BrewCon London, to set the challenge of who can brew an IPA in the style of Verdant. The goal, to see which home brewer can brew the best IPA in the style of Verdant Brewing Co.

The competition will go live on Thursday the 16th of July at noon when the yeast will be available on our site.

The main rule, all entries have to be brewed using the Lallemand Verdant IPA Yeast, and we’re going to give you a pack of this for free when the competition goes live.

There will be 200 packets of free yeast, one pack for each entry, and each person is only allowed one entry, so only one pack of yeast.

To claim your free pack just go to this link here on Thursday and add it to your basket, and use Coupon Code: VerdantComp when you get to payment to ensure you get the yeast for free!

Please don’t forget to use the code as otherwise you will be charged for the yeast and we’re sure you’d rather have it for free.


Your 6 digit order number (top right of your packing slip or in your order history) then becomes your competition entry number that you have to label your 3 x 330ml bottles of IPA with. Your order number is vital to ensure that we can track and notify the winners and to keep the entries secret from the judges.

Between now and the launch on Thursday get your brewing hats on, clear your brew schedules, start preparing your recipe, add ingredients to your basket so you are then just ready to add the yeast on Thursday and ensure that you are entered into the ultimate competition with the chance to win a brew day at Verdant Brewing Co.

Final beers then need to reach Verdant Brewing Co. for judging by 13th of August.

So lets try and give you some help and guidance on what makes a Verdant Brewing Co. beer and what is expected from your entry….

To do this James Heffron (Head Brewer at Verdant) has kindly given us his recipe for Even Sharks Need Water and awesome advice of their brewing techniques at Verdant:

Even Sharks Need Water
I think we first brewed this beer in early 2016 on a 200L kit!  We had just managed to get hold of some rare as rocking horse shit Galaxy hops and it was a no brainer to pair it up with Citra in a NEIPA.  The aim for the beer was and still is to be pretty full on flavour and aroma wise, not shying away from the aggressive nature of Galaxy.  It’s a pretty brash hop, harsh bittering qualities coupled with mega high dry hop polyphenols makes for a very ‘green’ experience early doors.  Skilful use of the hop and a bit of patience helps bring the tropical and creamy nature to the fore.  In my experience different hop varieties make for differing amounts of haze or ‘murk’ in the finished beer.  With sharks we use the top 2 murk producing varieties out there!  Expect an opaque light yellow creamy/yoghurt affair that has a soft smooth body leading to an assertive finish.  Aromas should leap out, flavours should fully saturate and if brewed well it should have a lovely fluffy white head on it that lasts.

With regards to a suitable water profile for ESNW I would encourage home brewers to experiment.  Get a good accurate water report for your area specifically focussing on ppm’s for Calcium, Chloride, Magnesium, Sodium, Sulphate and Bicarbonate.  Down in Cornwall we have predominantly soft water ranging from ‘moderately soft’ to ‘very soft’.  This basically means ppm’s for all the cations and anions are very low, it also means we have a great base line water source for building style profiles.  I know some brewers who utilise reverse osmosis techniques to almost entirely demineralise their water, but I like the fact that all we do is run it through a sediment filter and then a carbon filter.  This removes any rust or debris from old mains water pipes and also the volatile low level chlorine used to kill bacteria.  Working with the water in your area, in my opinion, is one of the most exciting parts of brewing that’s similar to the concept of ‘terroir’ in farming.  With sharks we push Chloride up to around 230ppm, we leave Sulphate at base mains level (10ppm), we elevate Sodium to around 50ppm.  The Sodium Chloride is added to the boil and the Calcium Chloride to the mash.  By doing this we create a very soft mouthfeel but without elevating Calcium levels above 100ppm.  You don’t need to try and emulate this profile though, in fact I would suggest not too if your base line is too far off initially.  It’s far more important to work with what you’ve got and tweak from there.

Other tips for success with a NEIPA would be to monitor you PH’s.  Mash should be 5.2-5.3 at 20 degrees C.  Pre-boil 5-5.1, post boil 4.9-5.05, sparge 5.5-6, post ferment 4.3, post dry hop 4.5-4.8.  Oxygen will ruin your beer faster than anything else.  Trying to mitigate this at home-brew level is going to be tricky.  I would suggest closed transfer under pressure to separate purged vessel for dry hopping, force carbonating and not bottle conditioning.  Do not hunt for biotransformation, wait for the ferment to finish, make sure it passes a forced diacetyl test, soft crash to 15 and then dry hop.  You will avoid hop creep this way.  Hop creep is something we don’t like at Verdant, it makes for an over attenuated beer that that has far more diacetyl to clear up.

Regarding our yeast, pitch at 18 and let rise to 19 and hold.  Free rise to 22 for D rest once gravity is at about 1.030.  The dry yeast version rages! Expect a massive krausen and potentially higher than anticipated attenuation on generation 1.

Verdant Even Sharks Need Water beer
Recipe (ballpark amounts based of generic 19L packaged batch)
OG = 1.065
FG = 1.015
ABV = 6.5%
IBU = 27
EBC = 7.3
3.3kg Crisp Extra Pale
0.8kg Simpsons Golden promise
0.45kg Flaked Oats
0.45kg Weyermann Carapils (Simpsons Dextrin works well also)
0.22kg Crisp Wheat Malt
0.22kg Flaked Wheat
Single step 45min mash @ 67 deg C
3g Magnum (12% AA) @ First Wort Hops
60 min boil
Yeast-Vit @ 15minutes
80degree 30 min whirlpool/hopstand = 30g Galaxy & 60g Citra
Pitch one 11g packet of Verdant IPA yeast
Post ferment dry hop = 120g Galaxy T90’s & 180g Citra T90’s (16gpl dry hop)
Dry hop rouse and crash to zero.  Keep hop contact time to less than 72 hours if possible.

If you wish to brew this recipe as your entry feel free to do this, we have put it together as a Recipe Kit that you can just add to your basket. The kit does not include the yeast, please ensure you add this to the order too.

Even though we’ve given you this the competition though is not to brew the best clone of Even Sharks Need Water, just to be clear.

Entry Conditions:
Each entrant to brew an IPA in the style of Verdant, this can be a version of Even Sharks Need Water, using the recipe provided or adapting it to their own style or totally of their own creation. The only condition being that it must be brewed using the “Verdant IPA Yeast”.
Winners will be decided by which beer is best, not which beer clones Even Sharks best or aligns to a specific BJCP category best.

All entries must submit 3 x 330ml bottles of their brew correctly labelled with their 6 digit order number from The Malt Miller from claiming their free packet of yeast.

No other identify marks or writing should be present on the bottle.

Your 3 bottled competition entries should be packed and sent to:

Verdant Brewing Co

F.A.O. Simon Pipola

30 Parkengue Kernick Industrial Estate


TR10 9EP

Entries will be required to arrive at Verdant Brewing by no later than 13th of August

Final judging of the best 25 beers will then be done by the brewers at Verdant Brewing on the 28th of August.

The winners will be announced following final judging.

Prizes will be awarded according to the judges decisions.

The judges decision is final and prizes are not transferable.

First Prize

Brew Day at Verdant Brewing in Cornwall (to be arranged with Lallemand once COVID19 restrictions are removed)

Years supply of Lallemand Yeast

£100 voucher for The Malt Miller

BrewCon London ticket

Verdant Beers

Second Prize

Lallemand yeast and goodies

£75.00 voucher for the Malt Miller

BrewCon London Ticket

Third Prize

Lallemand goodies

£50.00 voucher for The Malt Miller

BrewCon London ticket

author avatar
Martin Rake
General Manager at the Malt Miller


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