Muntons Gold Beer Kits

The Muntons Gold range was developed to introduce all malt recipe beer kits to home beer makers looking to brew top quality traditional beer styles from convenient kits.
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Showing all 6 results
Muntons Gold Continental Pils Beer Kit
£23.12This beer preserves the delicate balance of natural hop bitterness with the sweetness of malt and is best served cold
Muntons Gold Docklands Porter Beer Kit
£23.12Muntons Extract Beer Kit - A light hop character and full malt flavour under lie a rich colour and smooth drinking beer.
Muntons Gold Highland Ale Beer Kit
£23.12A distinctive rich bitter flavour, with its dark, malty brew, balanced by a generous helping of hops.
Muntons Gold Imperial Stout Beer Kit
£23.12Full body, rich black colour and distinctive dry bitterness. Capped by a smooth, creamy head. Perfect for those colder...
Muntons Gold IPA Beer Kit
£23.12A traditional IPA designed to emulate the classic English IPA styles brewed to make the voyage to India.
Muntons Gold Old English Bitter Beer Kit
£23.12This fine Old English beer, rekindles the full bodied, rich ales of Victorian Britain