Warm up your winter with Spiced Winter Ale, a Limited Edition Premium Ale kit from Festival! This seasonal favourite is reminiscent of festive aromas and flavours, ginger, cinnamon, mulled spice, and Christmas pudding.
At 6% ABV, Spiced Winter Ale is the perfect winter warmer to be enjoyed throughout the festive season. Makes approx. 18 L.
Each kit contains only the finest quality ingredients and easy to follow step-by-step instructions making Festival Premium Ale Kits the UK’s most comprehensive and complete premium liquid malt extract beer kit ever produced!
With careful research, help and knowledge from professional brewers, Festival Premium Ale Kits enable you to recreate examples of some of the UK’s best loved beers, all within the comfort of your own home. Festival Premium Ale Kits use only the very highest quality liquid malt extracts (3kg per kit) and genuine brewer’s yeast strains (all individually suited to each style of beer). Festival Premium Ale Kits also contain hop pellets and priming sugar. The hop pellets mare simply added halfway through fermentation infusing flavour and aroma into the finished beer resulting in a beer with more hop character than ever before. The precisely measured addition of priming sugar ( included ) ensures the correct level of carbonation is achieved for each particular style of beer.
Premium Liquid Malt Extract
Genuine Brewer’s Yeast Strains
Priming Sugar
Kit weight :-3.5kg
Makes:- 18 litres
ABV Approx:- 6.0%
Finishing Gravity Approx:-
Fermentation time:
Conditioning time:-4 weeks
Fermentables required:- None Required
Priming Sugar: Included
You will require basic brewing equipment to make a beer kit, such as our Essential Starter Kit or our Complete Starter Kit
Full Instructions can be downloaded with this link FESTIVAL_PREMIUM_ALES_Instructions
Leon Hughes (verified owner) –
This is a great winter ale with a spicy flavour to it.