Rice Crispy - COLD IPA

Rice Crispy – COLD IPA

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Rice Crispy – tasty Cold IPA using Citra and Cascade

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SKU: CMTYRCP-0862 Category:


This is a Community Recipe created by mark-m –

(Community Recipes are recipes that have been created by our customers who have then shared the recipe so that other customers can purchase them. Please ensure you read the Ingredients Included, and then the Method, as there might be ingredients which are not included and it is possible that the sharing customer has not checked both match or might not state what is not included)

Ingredients Included

Crisp Flaked Rice (1500 grams)
Crisp Lager Malt (Europils) (4500 grams)
Experimental #09326 Pellets (100 grams)
Citra T90 Pellets (100 grams)
Cascade T90 Pellets (100 grams)


Beer Style (main): American Ales
Beer Style (sub): American-Style India Pale Ale
Batch Size: 21
Original Gravity: 1056
Final Gravity: 1007
ABV %: 6.3
IBU: 32
Mash efficiency: 70
Brewing equipment: Grainfather

Temperature °C (Step 1): 65
Length (mins) (Step 1): 60

Boil time (mins): 30

Hop / kettle additions and timing:

Cascade, 20g @ 10 mins

Whirlpool / hop stand:

Experimental 09326, 50g for 20 mins (90c)
Citra. 100g for 20 mins (90c)

Yeast: Nova Lager (Not Included)
Fermentation temperature/steps: 14c for 7 days, 2c for 5 days (dry hops added on day 5)

Secondary additions:

Protofloc, 10 mins before end of boil

Dry Hops Experimental 09326, 50g and Cascade, 80g added on day 5. leave in during cold crash.


Cold IPA

This recipe is by Mark from Grainfather who is a keen brewer himself, after sending a few cans of this down to the team at The Malt Miller they said he needed to share this recipe for others to be able to brew it. The beer was really clean, crisp, refreshing and the whole team said they wished he’d sent more due to just how drinkable it was. So this was Marks idea solution to letting the team have a crack at brewing more for themselves using his recipe.

Please note: Yeast Not Included, so you can choose to use either Novalager or a different strain. You might also need to add some oat husks to avoid stuck sparge


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