5 x Still Spirits Pure Turbo Pack - Includes Pure Yeast, Carbon & Turbo Clear


5 x Still Spirits Pure Turbo Pack – Includes Pure Yeast, Carbon & Turbo Clear

Original price was: £39.75.Current price is: £30.95.

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5 packs which include, Pure Turbo Yeast, Turbo Carbon and Turbo Clear.

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SKU: YEA-14-000-COM Category:


This pack includes 5 Triple Packs of, Pure Turbo Yeast, Turbo Carbon and Turbo Clear.

Pure Turbo Yeast

Pure Turbo should be used where ultimate alcohol quality is of primary importance. Only use where cool air temperature (between 18°C to 24°C) can be maintained. This is a revolutionary breakthrough in Turbo Yeast development making it possible to produce “triple distilled” quality alcohol in the home. It is essential to use Turbo Carbon with Triple Distilled Turbo Yeast.

Turbo Carbon

Turbo Carbon’s unique activated internal pore structure removes impurities that are not taken out by post distillation filtration. Use with any Turbo Yeast for a cleaner, smoother tasting spirit.
Continue to filter after distillation choosing from the range of Still Spirits activated carbon products.

IMPORTANT: Always use Turbo Clear after fermentation to remove solids before distillation. If Turbo Clear is not used, the impurities . trapped by Turbo Carbon will be released during the boil.

1. Before opening, massage the sachet to ensure it is lump free.
2. Add immediately after adding your choice of Turbo Yeast.
3. Stir well to disperse.

Turbo Clear

Transform your alcohol quality! Turbo Clear is added directly into your turbo wash and within 24 hours separates over 95% of the yeast cells, solids and other compounds from the wash so that you can siphon out your clear wash, leaving the sediment behind.

If Turbo Clear is not used and yeast cells are added to your boiler, the cells will break open during the boiling process releasing off-flavours, smells, impurities absorbed by fermentation, clays and carbons back into the distillate. For the very best alcohol QUALITY use Turbo clear in every wash and rack carefully before distillation.

Check out our range of sugars that you can use this product with here.

Be sure to check out the Still Spirits YouTube channel for information on how to use this product.


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