CBC x WHC IPK (IPL) – High Voltage!!

CBC x WHC IPK (IPL) – High Voltage!!


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Jonny attempts to brew the crispest, cleanest, lagery-est IPA he’s ever brewed. using WHC’s amazing new thermotolerant yeast.

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Grab the latest all grain recipe kit from Jonny at the Craft beer Channel in which he attempts to brew a Crisp hoppy IPL at high temperature using WHC Lab Thermotolerant yeast strain High Voltage.

The end beer is a super hoppy clean juicy IPK/IPL, we’re sure you’re going to love having this one to smash all year round.

Ingredients Included

Weyermann Carapils
Simpsons Malt – Munich Malt
Weyermann Extra Pale Premiere Pilsner Malt

7100g Total Malt Bill

Nectaron (HORT4337) Pellets (100 grams)
Motueka T90 Pellets – Hop Revolution (100 grams)
Hallertauer Magnum – BarthHaas® Pure Hop Pellet (15 grams)
Mosaic T90 Pellets (75 grams)
WHC Dried Yeast – High Voltage – 11g Packet (1 pack)


Beer Style (main): American Lagers
Beer Style (sub): American-Style Hoppy Lager
Batch Size: 25
Original Gravity: 1.054
Final Gravity: 1.011
ABV %: 5.55
IBU: 33.9
Mash efficiency: 75
Brewing equipment: Grainfather G40

Temperature °C (Step 1): 68
Length (mins) (Step 1): 60
Temperature °C (Step 2): 75
Length (mins) (Step 2): 10

Mash notes: Soft water profile, with slightly elevated sulphates (80ish)

Boil time (mins): 60

Hop / kettle additions and timing:

Magnum 15g @ 60 min
Mosaic 20g @ 10 min

Whirlpool / hop stand:

Whirlpool for 20 min at 78c

Motueka 40g
Mosaic 25g
Nectaron 50g

Yeast: WHC High Voltage
Fermentation temperature/steps: 24c for 5 days or until FG, then drop to 4c for dry hopping, then 10 days at 4c lagering

Secondary additions:

Dry hop at 4c once FG has been reached

Mosaic 30g
Nectaron 50g
Motueka 60g

2 days contact then drump hops and lager the beer


All grain home brew recipe kit from Jonny at The Craft Beer Channel

In July 2024 Jonny attempted to brew the crispest, cleanest, lagery-est IPA hes ever brewed Jonny uses WHCs amazing thermotolerant yeast – be sure to check out the two videos on their YouTube channel to find out how he got on and to learn more about this recipe kit as not all goes to plan for him when using a yeast which is totally new to him.

Some tips, ensure you use the right amount of yeast, and also add some yeast nutrients towards the end of the boil or maybe add ProMix

The beer will most likely not drop clear and bright on its own, a long period of cold crashing will help but if you want to help it along we would recommend using some Brausol after fermentation is complete.


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