As featured in CAMRA’s – The Modern Homebrewer – Andy Parker & Jamil Zainasheff and sponsored by ourselves The Malt Miller.
We would highly recommend purchasing and reading this book as it feature not only a wide selection of recipes but some great knowledge and techniques from Andy and Jamil on how to brew the best beer possible at home.
This recipe was provided for the book from a professional brewer, all of the recipes were scaled by the writers to a 20ltr batch size using 75% efficiency.
Where ever possible we have matched the exact ingredients, however in some recipes slight changes may be required and volume adjustments based on ingredient available to homebrewers. Be sure to fully read the below details before purchasing so you are fully confident in the process and aware of any ingredients which are not included with this kit that you will need to add.
Weights are removed on this page due to publishing agreements but will be provided on the bags when the recipe is purchased or are present in the book for those who purchase it.
Ingredients Included
Weyermann Acidulated Malt
Simpsons Malt – Wheat Malt
Weyermann CaraMunich Type 2
Simpsons Malt – Munich Malt
Simpsons Malt – Best Pale Ale Malt
Jester T90 Pellets (50 grams)
Beer Style (main): Hybrid/Mixed
Beer Style (sub): Non-Alcoholic Malt Beverage
Batch Size: 20
Original Gravity: 1.025
Final Gravity: 1.022
ABV %: 0.5
IBU: 25
Mash efficiency: 75
Temperature °C (Step 1): 70
Length (mins) (Step 1): 40
Temperature °C (Step 2): 72
Length (mins) (Step 2): 20
Mash notes: Water: Aim for a chloride to sulphate ratio of 1.5:1 and pay close attention to the pH, as discussed in the low alcohol chapter. Be sure to take into account the water to be used for dilution as that could affect the ion makeup and pH.
Mash for 40 minutes at 70°C/158°F, then 20 minutes at 72°C/161.6°F then sparge until 10 litres of wort are collected. Dilute 10 litres of wort 1:1 with water to produce 20 litres of wort.
Boil time (mins): 60
Hop / kettle additions and timing:
Jester 10g/0.35oz @ 60 mins
Jester 10g/0.35oz @ 10 mins
Jester 30g/1.05oz @ 0 mins
Whirlpool / hop stand:
Yeast: NOT INCLUDED – Suggested WHC Sweet Release or Lallemand Windsor
Fermentation temperature/steps: Ferment using a Low/No Maltose Negative Low Alcohol strain at 14C for 3 days. WHC Lallemand Windsor is a good option
Secondary additions:
Good Karma Beer Co – Mandala Pale Ale 0.5% ABV
At a time when the importance of supporting local producers has never been greater, Good Karma recently relocated to Kent and decided they will only use locally grown ingredients in their beers. They use hops sustainably grown within 2 hours of their base in Canterbury and grain grown a maximum of 4 hours drive from the brewery. Good Karma is taking advantage of new developments in British hops and this recipe features Jester grown in Kent.
The approach used in this recipe is to suppress beta-amylase activity by mashing on the hot side. This means only the alpha-amylase enzyme is active during the mash which means no
formation of maltose, only dextrins. The pH is closely managed through the mash and boil, with an aim of achieving 4.7pH at the start of fermentation and a pH of less than 4.5pH at the end of fermentation. As we covered in the Low and No Alcohol brewing chapter, this is very important as the low pH will help inhibit the growth of bacteria in the absence of all but minimal alcohol in the finished beer.
Pay close attention to the mashing regimen as the approach is different to other recipes in this book. Basically, you are going to collect only half your wort then dilute that back with water.
Be sure to check out our YouTube channel where you will be able to find lots of great content featuring other breweries.
Don’t forget we also have an amazing range of beer to buy in our online beer shop Indie Beer Fridge for your enjoyment at home
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