Complete Starter Kit - All you need to brew and package a Beer Kit


Complete Starter Kit – All you need to brew and package a Beer Kit

From: £70.83

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This kit contains the vital items that you will need to get started home brewing and some extras to help make bottling your brew so much easier. Its the perfect kit for someone looking to start out brewing kits or a gift to someone else

Bottle Rinser Avvinatore - Easily Rinse and Sanitise Bottles

Fill the reservoir with a solution of NO RINSE then simply push the bottle down on the spring loaded pump

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Just starting out? Looking to buy the right equipment as a gift to help get someone home brewing?

Our Complete Starter Kit includes all the things you need brew your first beer or cider, and a few extras that will help to make the brew day just that little bit easier and and fun.

This bundle of products perfectly complements our wide range of Beer and Cider Kits. Check out how you can improve a beer kit here.

Included are:

30L Fermenting Bucket with holes cut for tap and airlock

Tap with sediment trap

Airlock – for keeping out bugs

Chemsan No Rinse sanitiser 100ml – sanitise your equipment with ease

Long Plastic Spoon – for stirring your brew (in place of Mash Paddle pictures)

Hydrometer – for taking gravity readings before and during fermentation

Bottle Tree – simplify the drying of 80 bottles

Chemclean – helps clean your brew kit down easier

Bottle Rinser – makes sanitising bottles much easier

Plastic Trial Jar – for taking samples for testing

Bottling Stick – connect to tap and fill bottles with ease

Stick on Thermometer – know what temperature your brew is at

48 Coopers PET bottles – great for packaging your beer into

All items included in this bundle of products will be useable as your brewing progresses and is totally upgradeable  should you wish to take the past time further.


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