As featured in CAMRA’s – The Modern Homebrewer – Andy Parker & Jamil Zainasheff and sponsored by ourselves The Malt Miller.
We would highly recommend purchasing and reading this book as it feature not only a wide selection of recipes but some great knowledge and techniques from Andy and Jamil on how to brew the best beer possible at home.
This recipe was provided for the book from a professional brewer, all of the recipes were scaled by the writers to a 20ltr batch size using 75% efficiency.
Where ever possible we have matched the exact ingredients, however in some recipes slight changes may be required and volume adjustments based on ingredient available to homebrewers. Be sure to fully read the below details before purchasing so you are fully confident in the process and aware of any ingredients which are not included with this kit that you will need to add.
Weights are removed on this page due to publishing agreements but will be provided on the bags when the recipe is purchased or are present in the book for those who purchase it.
Ingredients Included
Simpsons Malt – Roasted Barley
Weyermann CaraAroma
Weyermann Rauch Malt
Simpsons Malt – Chocolate Malt
Simpsons Malt – Brown Malt
Simpsons Malt – Malted Oats
Simpsons Malt – Finest Pale Maris Otter
Total Grain Bill 5910g
Apollo T90 Pellets (16 grams)
Lactose 500g (1 pack)
Beer Style (main): American Ales
Beer Style (sub): American-Style Stout
Batch Size: 20
Original Gravity: 1.072
Final Gravity: 1.023
ABV %: 6.5
IBU: 30
Mash efficiency: 75
Temperature °C (Step 1): 67
Length (mins) (Step 1): 75
Mash notes: Water: Berkshire mains water, filtered and treated to give a profile of 100ppm calcium, 50ppm sulphate and 75ppm chloride.
Boil time (mins): 60
Hop / kettle additions and timing:
Coffee 7g/0.24oz added at start of run off and removed at 95°C/203°F – Not Included
Apollo 16g/0.56oz @ 60 mins
Lactose 440g/0.97lb @ 15 mins
Yeast: Not Included – recommended White Labs PurePitch® WLP001
Fermentation temperature/steps: Pitch one pack (70ml) White Labs PurePitch® WLP001 American Ale yeast at 19°C/66°F allowing it to free rise to 21°C/70°F after 5 days.
Secondary additions:
Second Coffee Addition – Not Included
Add 16g/0.56oz bagged coffee to the beer at the end of fermentation and allow it to steep for 48 hours before removing it and crash chilling the beer.
Siren – Broken Dream – Breakfast Stout
Siren Craft Brew was founded by Darron Anley in 2013 with a simple idea in mind: to introduce exciting, full-flavoured and forward-thinking beers to as many people as possible. Their philosophy is always to make the beer they want to make. This means sourcing the best ingredients, regardless of cost, and refusing to let anything out of the door that doesnt meet their high standards. Siren has gone on to gain acclaim on the world stage and in 2018 the won the prestigious CAMRA Champion Beer of Britain award.
The beer that brought home the trophy was Broken Dream, which is a smooth and moreish breakfast stout, loaded with fresh coffee with a delicate smokey undertone and balanced sweetness. Getting the coffee just right in the beer took a lot of research and experimentation, as Darron explains – “We felt that to get the complexity of flavour we were looking for we needed to work with a specialist in their field to pick the right coffee, the right quantity and use it in the right way. The result of this endeavour is that the cost of our coffee is more than many breweries spend on hops in a hoppy beer. But is it worth it…absolutely.”
The coffee Siren selected was Climpson and Son, The Baron (Brazil, Deterra Estate
Origin) and they use a course grind across two separate additions as you’ll see in the recipe. We have chosen not to include coffee in this recipe kit so you can choose one of ours or use your own preference of coffee.
Be sure to check out our YouTube channel where you will be able to find lots of great content featuring other breweries.
Don’t forget we also have an amazing range of beer to buy in our online beer shop Indie Beer Fridge for your enjoyment at home
Simon Dixey –
Made a 20L batch of this recently – brew date 20th Nov 2024 – and served it at a birthday party yesterday (3rd Jan 2025). Absolutely stunning. People went up for multiple refills, universally positive comments. For the record I used the LAX yeast and the Baron coffee. Highly recommended …