Warminster Floor Mild Ale Malt 25kg Sack

Warminster Floor Mild Ale Malt 25kg Sack


EBC: 4

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British barley traditionally floor malted. Kilned darker than pale ale malts, finishes sweeter. Made specifically for Mild and Brown Ales.

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Our 25kg sacks can be bought whole or split into five smaller 5kg bags. A bagging charge of £3.00 applies to this service. Sacks (and split bags) can be ordered crushed, uncrushed or finely crushed at no additional charge.

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Top quality malt for home brewing from The Malt Miller

Great home brew begins with great quality ingredients, prepared with care. We’re proud to offer a full range of malts prepared to meet all your needs. All our malt is milled in house for maximum freshness, and crushed directly into our bags so you get one hundred percent of the grain.

  • Order from our full range of malts with your choice of maltster and crush size (including uncrushed) from as little as 50g and in 50g increments. We mill and package your malts individually so you can be sure of ultimate freshness and quality.
  • You can also order malt through our Recipe Generator to get exact weights crushed to order, combined into single bags for extra convenience (uncrushed malts are bagged individually to help you mill at home).
  • Our pre-weighed malts are a great value option for the malts you use every time. Covering a core range of malts that every home brewer needs, we mill batches of each malt in the range ahead of time and pass the saving on to you. We produce small quantities at regular intervals to keep our stock fresh and ready for you to use!

We’re obsessed with milling malt! The sweet spot of milling is different for each individual type of malt and even different harvests. We continuously calibrate and adjust our mills to dial in the perfect proportion of kernel, flour, and husk for every malt in every bag we prepare.

Visit The Malt Miller YouTube channel to learn more about milling as well as loads of other great guides, tips, reviews, and general home brew awesomeness!

Which crush size should I choose?

Our standard crush level delivers best results in all brewing situations. Our fine crush gives increased efficiency at higher liquor to grain ratios such as in Brew In A Bag (BIAB) and no-sparge brewing.

EBC 12

Warminster Floor Malted Mild Ale Malt – Mild ale malt is used in the formation of brown and mild ales. It is kilned darker than pale malt and produces a sweeter wort.

Warminster Mild Ale Malt is made specifically for Mild and Brown Ales.

Slightly less fermentable than Pale Ale Malt, so inclusion normally no more than 20%. Sweet/nutty notes with a golden/copper colour.

Uses: Mild and Brown Ales.

Warminster Maltings, Britain’s oldest working maltings

Situated in the Wiltshire town of the same name, on the western tip of Salisbury Plain, the Pound Street maltings has been continuously making malt for the brewing industry since 1855. Not only that, in defiance of all the 20th century technology which completely overwhelmed the malting industry in the 1960’s, Warminster Malt is still made the traditional way, by hand, on floors, almost totally unchanged from the day the maltings was originally commissioned.

Presided over by Head Maltster, this gentle, natural process prevails today because it is now widely acknowledged that this method produces a superior product particularly suited to the Craft Brewing and Craft Distilling sector.

The current owner, the Hampshire based barley merchant Robin Appel, has, over the last 18 years, undertaken extensive restoration of the Listed Grade 2* complex as well as renewing or upgrading all the engineering. So it is not for no good reason that the staff at the maltings have been dubbed by their customers, and are now universally acclaimed ‘The Malt-stars of Warminster’!

Malt has been made forever, by hand, on floors, a perfectly natural, albeit labour intensive method. But by the mid 20th century, advanced technology brought about the industrialisation of both malting as well as brewing.

But in 1971, with the advent of CAMRA, then, in 2002, with the introduction of Progressive Beer Duty, the market opened up to small independent brewers. The ensuing demand for ‘Real Ale’ has brought about a renaissance in brewing. With this, understandably, a demand for ‘Real Malt’(traditional malt) has followed.

The broad principles of Traditional Malt:

  • Steeping in open water vessels over 72 hours  to raise the moisture level in the grain to well above 32% at which germination is precipitated.
  • Controlled germination, on floors, for approximately 5 days when the modification of the ‘green malt’ from starch to maltose is managed courtesy of hand operated tools.
  • Rapid transfer of the ‘green malt’ to the kiln to be dried and cured down to a long term storage moisture of just 4%.

At Warminster Maltings the whole process is conducted within the ambient temperatures of the malt floors, regulated by the opening and closing of the non-glazed windows spaced all along their length. It is a very natural process which allows the individual batches of barley to express themselves to the optimum. This emphasises the character of the malt, and creates the maximum extracts for the brewer.

Malt is the backbone to any great beer recipe, ensuring you have the best quality freshest malt can really improve your brews.

Our malt comes from the same maltsers that professional breweries use. All of our malt is purchased whole/uncrushed, which ensures that it retains the correct moisture levels as the maltster intended.

When you order malt from The Malt Miller we offer it crush fresh, or whole so you can crush it fresh at home using your own mill, or fine crushed for Brew In A Bag brewing. When we crush it for you it is done only when ordered, this ensures you can be sure of freshness and also receive the correct mix of big and small particles.

Your can order malt in 25kg sacks where we also offer the option to have it bagged in 5x5kg, by weight starting at 50g, or by building your own recipe on our Recipe Generator by the exact gram.

If you wish to learn more about malt be sure to visit our Brew With Us online resource and our YouTube Channel for lots of brewing content.

Additional information

Weight 27 kg


Country of Origin GB
HS Code 1107200000


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