BBXRGL – REGAL Lager Yeast Blend *BETA*
Availability: Limited, Bootleg BETA. This is potentially a one-time only release based on response.
Source: Unique blend of traditional and modern lager cultures
REGAL Lager Yeast Blend is a first fast fermenting, general purpose lager yeast blend – crispy enough to make authentic pilsners and full flavored enough to make mind blowing bocks, dunkels and schwarzbiers.
Finally, it’s now possible to make lagers that are done in under a week and taste exactly to style.
Using REGAL Lager Yeast Blend is as simple as pitching cold for a few days and letting your beer ramp up to as warm as you can get it. Small amounts of sulfur will be present the warmer the initial fermentation temperature – exactly what you need if you want your lager to taste deliciously authentic.
Brewing Info*:
- Type: Blend of Lager Yeast; Saccharomyces cultures (non-STA1)
- Pitching Rate: Directly pitchable into 5 gallons of 1.050 or lower wort
- Estimated Attenuation: 80-87%;
- Estimated Final pH: 4.2-4.5
- Flavor/Aroma Profile: Clean, rich maltiness
- Flocculation: Medium
- Recommended Fermentation Temperature:
- Recommended Fermentation Temperature: 50F-95F (10C-35C). Pitch and ferment between 50-55F (10-13C) for 72 hours and then ramp to 85-95F (29-35C) for 48-72 hours. Cooler temperatures for more prolonged periods will increase fermentation time. Pitching warmer may increase sulfur production.
* Performance information subject to change due to ongoing testing.
Product Category: Bootleg BETA
This culture is part of our Bootleg BETA program. We have done limited testing and are not ready to officially release this culture. So let us know what you think! If it’s awesome…or you hate it..leave a comment on the product page. If you like it, we might rerelease this Bootleg BETA culture officially.
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